Friday, June 24, 2005

Best "Listening Skills"


Many times we feel that while we are talking to someone, the other person is multi tasking. What does this mean is that the listener is doing other things in addition to listening to you.

To be able to focus and concentrate on the conversation it is pertinent to 'listen' careful to the speaker. These simple and practical tips help individuals to transform to great communicators and have excellent relationships. These conversations can be either on the telephone / video /audio chatting or a mere personal 1-1 meetings. The following are some of the tips for effective communication :

Take Notes

Greetings -
It is quite essential to commence the talk by greeting and enquiring about welfare, family work and other related things

Stop -
At this initial stage of conversation it is important to pay full attention and it is better to switch off the following things -
(a) mobile phone
(b) PC / laptop monitor
(c) telephone
Multi- tasking is good but doing the same while someone else is talking is harmful.

Listen -
Listen intently and try to understand the core theme of the talk.

Taking Notes -
Keep a pen and pad handy whenever you are talking to others. You could jot down those points which you feel are important. After the conversation mull over these points and keep tracking the same. This not only shows the importance of noting important things also instils a greater confidence to the speaker.

Ask -
It is important to ask questions to show the interest in the talk and also to clarify some doubts that one has about the subject.

Summarise -
Just before the conversation is about to close it is very important to summarise the action points - from both sides to be revisited. Summarising the entire conversation helps in clarifying the position ; identifying the tasks ; fixing the deadlines for the tasks ; responsibility for completion of tasks ;

Close -
Conclusion is as important as the Beginning. While concluding it is critical to set out the objectives, the next course of action and when they are going to converse again.

Hope this will bring about radical changes in the way we communicate with others.


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