Wednesday, January 03, 2007


12 Resolutions for the New Year 2007,

H - Have a positive mind set, never allow negative influences to stop you from your mission taken in hand.
A - Always seek new opportunities; create wealth of innovative ways of adding value to business you are engaged.
P - Plan your work, work your plan. Follow PDCA Cycle. Plan, Do, Check and Act. You will certainly achieve excellence.
P - Perform better than before. Never stop contributing. Perform beyond expectations of your superiors.
Y - Yearn to learn more. Learning is unending. It is the continuous process.

N -Nurture pride in self, work, family, organization, society & your country. Be proud to be part of your organization.
E -Excite, enthuse, and encourage people around you. Have positive motive for action. That is Motivation.
W - Weave a network of great relationships. Relationships are like bank accounts. Keep on depositing. Maintain balance.

Y -Yell praises on people. It rebounds and gets you going forward to achieve great Things in life.
E - Enjoy time with family and friends. Create a wealth of friendship. Friendships are greatest diamonds in life.
A - Always SMILE. Spread positive vibrations around you. Spread love all around.
R - Rejuvenate self. Keep improving. Never stop yourself from continuous improvement.

- Deepika Tyagi

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