A Birds eye view of Human Resources Management Function.
Saturday, January 16, 2016
How to acknowledge achievers ?
A simple "hello" at the start of the day and "goodbye" at the end of the day is an obvious but sometimes overlooked form of recognition. As employees in nonprofit organizations are called upon to do more with less, spending just a few minutes chatting can open lines of communication and can set a positive tone for the day
Say a sincere thank you for a job well done. Do this often and be specific; for example "you handled that client well, thank you" or "thanks, those were some really good ideas that you provided at the staff meeting. They will move us forward to solve the problem"
A personal note can be very meaningful. Keep a pack of note cards in your desk for convenience. You could also send an e-mail to acknowledge work well done, with a copy to the executive director
Tell your employee about positive comments that you hear from others
Use the organization's newsletter as a way of acknowledging an employee or thanking staff for a job well done
Acknowledge individuals or teams at a staff meeting, management meeting, board meeting, or special event. This is often meaningful for the recipient and can be a source of inspiration for others
Organize celebrations - at the end of a project, after the quarterly review, individual milestones, team milestones or just because
Food is important. You could have muffins or cookies at meetings. Reward achievement with a box of chocolates, or bring in ice cream on a hot Monday morning or Friday afternoon. It does not have to be all of the time - keep it spontaneous
Give a wrapped gift - his / her favorite drink
Acknowledge birthdays, work anniversaries, new babies and other significant life events. Gone are the days when work and the rest of life remain separate
Give out hour-off certificates for exceptional achievements. Let employees accumulate them for up to one day off
Have a team meeting outside the office at the local coffee shop or restaurant
Create a recognition bulletin board to post 'thanks' from clients
Give an employee a day off for a job well done
Ask an employee to represent you at a meeting outside the organization
Take an employee out to lunch
Attach a thank you note to your employee's pay cheque
Write down three things you appreciate about your direct reports and give it to them